Simon the Pi Man
To Infinity (probably) and beyond
(A beginners Resource for the Raspberry Pi computer using the Debian distro)
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Installing Wheezy is much simpler than Squeeze
One of a set of simple easy to use guides for beginners to set up a Raspberry Pi computer.
Ok this instruction sheet I will explain how to install the Wheezy distro from the SDCard
you created on the "1. Pi SD Card MY CHOICE".
1. Lets just plug in the SDCard into the Raspberry Pi and plug in the TV/Monitor
and a keyboard and and switch on.
In this distribution you get a menu on the first boot up that allows you to configure
much of what was hand edited in Squeeze, and this makes the installation really simple.
The menu is as follows.
We are setting up the Pi as a server so will look at Server configs.
info Info about this tool
expand-rootfs Expand the root partition to fill SD card
You should always use this option whatever you are building
overscan Change overscan
You should only use if you will be using the Pi for graphics
configure_keyboard Set keyboard layout
Again only use this if you are using a NON UK keyboard
change_pass Change password for pi user
Always change your Pi password whatever you are doing
set_locale Set locale
Dont touch if you are in England
change_timezone Timezone changes
Check is set to Europe and London if in the UK
memory_split This sets the memory for use by the video controller
Always change this set to
224Mb Arm 32Mb Video if creating a server
128 Arm 128 Video if creating a graphics client
ssh Enables the ssh server
Always Enable this whatever you are creating as will allow
remote login to your Pi
boot_behavior Startx on boot
Only set if you are using a graphics Pi
update try to update raspi-config
Worth doing but only if you are connected to the Internet
2. Right as we are setting up a server which doesnt need graphics so we need to
run the following options
NOTE:- the menu uses the [Up] and [Down] arrows to move up and down the menu options
[Space] to select items and [Tab] to move through fields.
expand-rootfs - Enable
change_pass - Enter your own password
memory_split - Set to 224Mb Arm 32Mb Video
ssh - Enable
update - Run this if connected to the Internet
3. Now Finish the menu and restart the Pi, if the automatic restart doesnt
work then type
pi@raspberrypi~$ sudo reboot
4. On rebooting the Pi it will take some time to restart as it will expand
the SDCard partition before doing anything else which can take 3 or 4 mins to expand
to a 4Gb card longer for an 8Gb.
5. I would at this stage login as Pi and run the following.
pi@raspberrypi~$ sudo apt-get update
If this doesnt work, it will be because the Wheezy install defaults its DNS nameserver to
and as my network uses a different IP and gateway then this fails.
The easy way fix to this is to type the following
pi@raspberrypi~$ sudo sh -c 'echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf'
This will set Google as one of your name servers so that DNS resolves the raspberrypi.org website then re-run the update
pi@raspberrypi~$ sudo apt-get update
All Done please choose from our menu for other options
© simonthepiman.com 2012->2025
email: simon@villagenet.co.uk
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Raspberry Pi Foundation is a UK registered charity which exists to promote the
study of computer science and related topics, especially at school level, and to put
the fun back into learning computing.
Please Note:- any mention of the Raspberry Pi computer on these pages refers to the
Raspberry Pi Foundation's product, who also have trademark rights to the term 'Raspberry Pi'.